Club Penguin is an online virtual world that children all around the world play and visit everyday.
In the icey world, players can interact, dress up, design their "igloos" and meet other players. Regular events keep the island activated, (e.g. The Puffle Festival, The Circus, Festival of Flight) and monthly catalogs add 1-7 new items each month for you to buy furniture, clothes and accesories from.
However, the original Club Penguin was owned by Miniclip, but was (very sadly) sold to Disney. Now, Disney is not making Club Penguin free. You CAN join for free, but it is very boring. Non-paying players do not get to purchase their own clothes, design their igloo, play instruments, buy furnitutre, or attend most festivals. Paying players ("Members") get to do all the usual things.

For a months membership, it costs £3.95, for six months £19.95, and for a year £37.95. What a rip off. Children are paying their own pocket money just to play with their friends on the internet and express their creativity. Most parents think that children should not pay the money themselves, and pay it for them but is this right? To the left is an example of a member player, and to the right a non member. Quite a large difference, I think you will have to agree.
This is the Club Penguin Map. It has changed a lot since the original one several years ago:

In your "igloo" (nicknamed iggy) you may keep "puffles". There are eightin all, the red puffle, blue, pink, purple, black, green, yellow and white. Recently, there was rumours that a new orange puffle would be released on Febuary 19th, so fingers crossed! On the right is a picture of a black puffle, who seems to be unusually happy from its normally moody and grumpy state.
So yeah, apart from the membership issue in Club Penguin, everything else I love about it. Hopefully children will be playing this for years to come.